Grasping the Scope of Epoxy Injection Repairs

Grasping the Scope of Epoxy Injection Repairs

Grasping the Scope of Epoxy Injection Repairs

Hiring a certified contractor ensures proper foundation repair methods are used professional foundation repair service home inspection.

Epoxy injection repairs represent a fascinating and highly effective method for addressing structural issues within concrete and masonry structures. This technique, which involves injecting epoxy resin into cracks and voids, has become a cornerstone in the field of structural repair and rehabilitation. Understanding the scope of epoxy injection repairs requires a delve into its applications, benefits, and limitations.

At its core, epoxy injection is used to restore the structural integrity of concrete elements that have developed cracks due to various reasons such as settlement, thermal expansion, or mechanical loads. The process begins with the thorough cleaning of the crack to remove any debris or contaminants that might hinder the bonding of the epoxy. Once cleaned, ports are installed along the crack at regular intervals, and the crack is sealed on the surface to prevent the epoxy from leaking out. The epoxy resin, often mixed with a hardener, is then injected into the ports under pressure, filling the crack from the bottom up until it is fully saturated. After curing, which can take anywhere from a few hours to a day depending on the type of epoxy used, the ports and surface seal are removed, leaving behind a repaired structure that is often stronger than the original.

The benefits of epoxy injection repairs are manifold. Firstly, it is a non-destructive method that preserves the existing structure without the need for extensive demolition or rebuilding. This makes it an attractive option for historical buildings or structures where maintaining the original appearance is crucial. Secondly, epoxy injections can significantly extend the lifespan of a structure by sealing cracks and preventing further deterioration caused by water infiltration or the ingress of harmful substances. Moreover, the high strength and durability of epoxy resins mean that the repaired areas can often withstand higher loads than the surrounding concrete, thereby enhancing the overall structural performance.

However, understanding the scope of epoxy injection repairs also means acknowledging its limitations. For instance, this method is most effective for cracks that are dormant and do not exhibit movement. Active cracks, which continue to widen or shift, may require alternative repair methods such as mechanical stitching or the use of flexible sealants. Additionally, the success of epoxy injection heavily depends on the skill and experience of the applicator. Improper mixing of the epoxy, inadequate pressure during injection, or insufficient cleaning of the crack can all lead to a subpar repair that fails to achieve the desired results.

Furthermore, while epoxy injection is a versatile technique, it is not suitable for all types of cracks. Very fine hairline cracks, for example, may be too narrow to allow the epoxy to penetrate effectively. Conversely, very wide cracks may require additional reinforcement or the use of different materials to achieve a successful repair. It is also important to consider the environmental conditions during the repair process, as extreme temperatures or moisture can affect the curing and bonding of the epoxy.

In conclusion, grasping the scope of epoxy injection repairs involves a comprehensive understanding of its applications, advantages, and constraints. This technique offers a powerful solution for restoring the integrity of cracked concrete structures, but its success hinges on careful assessment and meticulous execution. As with any repair method, the key to achieving optimal results lies in selecting the right approach for the specific situation at hand and entrusting the work to skilled professionals. By appreciating the full scope of epoxy injection repairs, we can better leverage this innovative technique to ensure the longevity and safety of our built environment.

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Code Violation: This fire-rated concrete block wall is penetrated by cable trays and electrical cables. The hole should be firestopped to restore the fire-resistance rating of the wall. Instead, it is filled with flammable polyurethane foam.

A building code (also building control or building regulations) is a set of rules that specify the standards for construction objects such as buildings and non-building structures. Buildings must conform to the code to obtain planning permission, usually from a local council. The main purpose of building codes is to protect public health, safety and general welfare as they relate to the construction and occupancy of buildings and structures — for example, the building codes in many countries require engineers to consider the effects of soil liquefaction in the design of new buildings.[1] The building code becomes law of a particular jurisdiction when formally enacted by the appropriate governmental or private authority.[2]

Building codes are generally intended to be applied by architects, engineers, interior designers, constructors and regulators but are also used for various purposes by safety inspectors, environmental scientists, real estate developers, subcontractors, manufacturers of building products and materials, insurance companies, facility managers, tenants, and others. Codes regulate the design and construction of structures where adopted into law.

Examples of building codes began in ancient times.[3] In the USA the main codes are the International Building Code or International Residential Code [IBC/IRC], electrical codes and plumbing, mechanical codes. Fifty states and the District of Columbia have adopted the I-Codes at the state or jurisdictional level.[4] In Canada, national model codes are published by the National Research Council of Canada.[5] In the United Kingdom, compliance with Building Regulations is monitored by building control bodies, either Approved Inspectors or Local Authority Building Control departments. Building Control regularisation charges apply in case work is undertaken which should have had been inspected at the time of the work if this was not done.[6]



The practice of developing, approving, and enforcing building codes varies considerably among nations. In some countries building codes are developed by the government agencies or quasi-governmental standards organizations and then enforced across the country by the central government. Such codes are known as the national building codes (in a sense they enjoy a mandatory nationwide application).

In other countries, where the power of regulating construction and fire safety is vested in local authorities, a system of model building codes is used. Model building codes have no legal status unless adopted or adapted by an authority having jurisdiction. The developers of model codes urge public authorities to reference model codes in their laws, ordinances, regulations, and administrative orders. When referenced in any of these legal instruments, a particular model code becomes law. This practice is known as 'adoption by reference'. When an adopting authority decides to delete, add, or revise any portions of the model code adopted, it is usually required by the model code developer to follow a formal adoption procedure in which those modifications can be documented for legal purposes.

There are instances when some local jurisdictions choose to develop their own building codes. At some point in time all major cities in the United States had their own building codes. However, due to ever increasing complexity and cost of developing building regulations, virtually all municipalities in the country have chosen to adopt model codes instead. For example, in 2008 New York City abandoned its proprietary 1968 New York City Building Code in favor of a customized version of the International Building Code.[7] The City of Chicago remains the only municipality in America that continues to use a building code the city developed on its own as part of the Municipal Code of Chicago.

In Europe, the Eurocode: Basis of structural design, is a pan-European building code that has superseded the older national building codes. Each country now has National Annexes to localize the contents of the Eurocodes.

Similarly, in India, each municipality and urban development authority has its own building code, which is mandatory for all construction within their jurisdiction. All these local building codes are variants of a National Building Code,[8] which serves as model code proving guidelines for regulating building construction activity.



The purpose of building codes is to provide minimum standards for safety, health, and general welfare including structural integrity, mechanical integrity (including sanitation, water supply, light, and ventilation), means of egress, fire prevention and control, and energy conservation.[9][10] Building codes generally include:

  • Standards for structure, placement, size, usage, wall assemblies, fenestration size/locations, egress rules, size/location of rooms, foundations, floor assemblies, roof structures/assemblies, energy efficiency, stairs and halls, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, site drainage & storage, appliance, lighting, fixtures standards, occupancy rules, and swimming pool regulations
  • Rules regarding parking and traffic impact
  • Fire code rules to minimize the risk of a fire and to ensure safe evacuation in the event of such an emergency[citation needed]
  • Requirements for earthquake (seismic code), hurricane, flood, and tsunami resistance, especially in disaster prone areas or for very large buildings where a failure would be catastrophic[citation needed]
  • Requirements for specific building uses (for example, storage of flammable substances, or housing a large number of people)
  • Energy provisions and consumption
  • Grandfather clauses: Unless the building is being renovated, the building code usually does not apply to existing buildings.
  • Specifications on components
  • Allowable installation methodologies
  • Minimum and maximum room ceiling heights, exit sizes and location
  • Qualification of individuals or corporations doing the work
  • For high structures, anti-collision markers for the benefit of aircraft

Building codes are generally separate from zoning ordinances, but exterior restrictions (such as setbacks) may fall into either category.

Designers use building code standards out of substantial reference books during design. Building departments review plans submitted to them before construction, issue permits [or not] and inspectors verify compliance to these standards at the site during construction.

There are often additional codes or sections of the same building code that have more specific requirements that apply to dwellings or places of business and special construction objects such as canopies, signs, pedestrian walkways, parking lots, and radio and television antennas.



Building codes have been criticized for contributing to housing crisis and increasing the cost of new housing to some extent, including through conflicting code between different administrators.[11] Proposed improvements include regular review and cost-benefit analysis of building codes,[12] promotion of low-cost construction materials and building codes suitable to mass production,[11] reducing bureaucracy, and promoting transparency.[13]





Building codes have a long history. The earliest known written building code is included in the Code of Hammurabi,[3] which dates from circa 1772 BC.

The book of Deuteronomy in the Hebrew Bible stipulated that parapets must be constructed on all houses to prevent people from falling off.[14]

In the Chinese book of rites it mentions that ancestral temples and houses should be a certain standard length in ancient China they measured land in the chu or well field system so it was important to be precise though most of the actual lengths are lost or obscure.[15][16]

In ancient Japan a certain official destroyed a courtiers house because the size was above his rank.[17]

Modern era




In Paris, under the reconstruction of much of the city under the Second Empire (1852–70), great blocks of apartments were erected[18] and the height of buildings was limited by law to five or six stories at most.

United Kingdom


After the Great Fire of London in 1666, which had been able to spread so rapidly through the densely built timber housing of the city, the Rebuilding of London Act 1666 was passed in the same year as the first significant building regulation.[19] Drawn up by Sir Matthew Hale, the act regulated the rebuilding of the city, required housing to have some fire resistance capacity and authorised the City of London Corporation to reopen and widen roads.[20] The Laws of the Indies were passed in the 1680s by the Spanish Crown to regulate the urban planning for colonies throughout Spain's worldwide imperial possessions.

The first systematic national building standard was established with the Metropolitan Buildings Act 1844. Among the provisions, builders were required to give the district surveyor two days' notice before building, regulations regarding the thickness of walls, height of rooms, the materials used in repairs, the dividing of existing buildings and the placing and design of chimneys, fireplaces and drains were to be enforced and streets had to be built to minimum requirements.[21]

The Metropolitan Buildings Office was formed to regulate the construction and use of buildings throughout London. Surveyors were empowered to enforce building regulations, which sought to improve the standard of houses and business premises, and to regulate activities that might threaten public health. In 1855 the assets, powers and responsibilities of the office passed to the Metropolitan Board of Works.

United States


The City of Baltimore passed its first building code in 1891.[22] The Great Baltimore Fire occurred in February 1904. Subsequent changes were made that matched other cities.[23] In 1904, a Handbook of the Baltimore City Building Laws was published. It served as the building code for four years. Very soon, a formal building code was drafted and eventually adopted in 1908.

The structural failure of the tank that caused the Great Molasses Flood of 1919 prompted the Boston Building Department to require engineering and architectural calculations be filed and signed. U.S. cities and states soon began requiring sign-off by registered professional engineers for the plans of major buildings.[24]

More recently, the 2015 Berkeley balcony collapse has prompted updates to California's balcony building codes, set for 2025, which include stricter material requirements, enhanced load-bearing standards, and mandatory inspections which known as SB326 and SB721.[25]These laws mandate regular inspections every six years for multifamily buildings. Property owners and HOAs are required to address any structural or waterproofing issues identified during inspections to ensure compliance and safety. Failure to comply can result in fines, increased liability, and legal consequences. The updates aim to prevent tragedies like the Berkeley collapse, which was caused by dry rot and structural failure, by ensuring the long-term safety and durability of elevated structures.[26]

Energy codes

The current energy codes[clarification needed] of the United States are adopted at the state and municipal levels and are based on the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Previously, they were based on the Model Energy Code (MEC). As of March 2017, the following residential codes have been partially or fully adopted by states:[27]

  • 2015 IECC or equivalent (California, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Washington)
  • 2012 IECC or equivalent (Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, Rhode Island, Texas)
  • 2009 IECC or equivalent (Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin)
  • 2006 IECC or equivalent (Utah)
  • 2006 IECC or no statewide code (Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming)



Australia uses the National Construction Code.

See also

  • Building officials
  • Construction law
  • Earthquake-resistant structures
  • Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants
  • Outline of construction
  • Seismic code
  • Uniform Mechanical Code
  • Variance (land use) – permission to vary zoning and sometimes building to code


  1. ^ CEN (2004). EN1998-5:2004 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance, part 5: Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects. Brussels: European Committee for Standardization.
  2. ^ Ching, Francis D. K.; Winkel, Steven R. (22 March 2016). Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2015 International Building Code. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-119-15095-4.
  3. ^ a b "Hammurabi's Code of Laws". Archived from the original on 9 May 2008. Retrieved 24 May 2008.
  4. ^ "About ICC". Retrieved 8 December 2013.
  5. ^ Canada, Government of Canada. National Research Council. "Codes Canada - National Research Council Canada". Retrieved 1 April 2018.
  6. ^ Northampton Borough Council, Building Control - regularisation charges Archived 11 May 2021 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 15 March 2021
  7. ^ NYC Construction Codes Archived 2 July 2006 at the Wayback Machine
  8. ^ National Building Code
  9. ^ Hageman, Jack M., and Brian E. P. Beeston. Contractor's guide to the building code. 6th ed. Carlsbad, CA: Craftsman Book Co., 2008. 10. Print.
  10. ^ Wexler, Harry J., and Richard Peck. Housing and local government: a research guide for policy makers and planners. Lexington, Mass. u.a.: Lexington Books, 1974. 53. Print.
  11. ^ a b Listokin, David; Hattis, David B. (2005). "Building Codes and Housing". Cityscape. 8 (1). US Department of Housing and Urban Development: 21–67. ISSN 1936-007X. JSTOR 20868571. Retrieved 25 July 2024.
  12. ^ Nwadike, Amarachukwu Nnadozie; Wilkinson, Suzanne (3 February 2022). "Why amending building codes? An investigation of the benefits of regular building code amendment in New Zealand". International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation. 40 (1): 76–100. doi:10.1108/IJBPA-08-2020-0068. ISSN 2398-4708.
  13. ^ Nwadike, Amarachukwu; Wilkinson, Suzanne (2021). "Promoting Performance-Based Building Code Compliance in New Zealand". Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 35 (4). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001603. ISSN 0887-3828.
  14. ^ Deuteronomy 22:8
  15. ^ Confucius (29 August 2016). Delphi Collected Works of Confucius - Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism (Illustrated). Delphi Classics. ISBN 978-1-78656-052-0.
  16. ^ Mencius (28 October 2004). Mencius. Penguin UK. ISBN 978-0-14-190268-5.
  17. ^ Shonagon, Sei (30 November 2006). The Pillow Book. Penguin UK. ISBN 978-0-14-190694-2.
  18. ^ New International Encyclopedia
  19. ^ 'Charles II, 1666: An Act for rebuilding the City of London.', Statutes of the Realm: volume 5: 1628–80 (1819), pp. 603–12. URL:, date accessed: 8 March 2007.
  20. ^ 'Book 1, Ch. 15: From the Fire to the death of Charles II', A New History of London: Including Westminster and Southwark (1773), pp. 230–55. URL: Date accessed: 7 March 2007.
  21. ^ "A Brief History of Building Regulations".
  22. ^ Baltimore (Md.) (1891). Ordinances and Resolutions of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore ... – via
  23. ^ Baltimore: The Building of an American City, Sherry H. Olson, Published 1997, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore (Md.), ISBN 0-8018-5640-X, p. 248.
  24. ^ Puleo, Stephen (2004). Dark Tide: The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919. Beacon Press. ISBN 0-8070-5021-0.
  25. ^ "SB 721- CHAPTERED". Retrieved 15 January 2025.
  26. ^ gh, amir (18 December 2024). "California Balcony Building Code Updates 2025 - DrBalcony". Retrieved 15 January 2025.cite web: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  27. ^ "Residential Code Status | The Building Codes Assistance Project". 12 November 2015. Retrieved 11 September 2018.
  • IAPMO Website
  • IAPMO Codes Website



Basement waterproofing involves techniques and materials used to prevent water from penetrating the basement of a house or a building. Waterproofing a basement that is below ground level can require the application of sealant materials, the installation of drains and sump pumps, and more.



Waterproofing is usually required by building codes for structures that are built at or below ground level. Waterproofing and drainage considerations are especially important in cases where ground water is likely to build up in the soil or where there is a high water table.

Water in the soil causes hydrostatic pressure to be exerted underneath basement floors and walls. This hydrostatic pressure can force water in through cracks, which can cause major structural damage as well as mold, decay, and other moisture-related problems.



Several measures exist to prevent water from penetrating a basement foundation or to divert water that has penetrated a foundation:

  • French Drain
    French drain
    Interior wall and floor sealers
  • Interior water drainage
  • Exterior drainage
  • Exterior waterproofing coatings
  • Box type waterproofing[1]
  • Foundation crack injections
  • French drains
  • Sump pump

Interior sealants


In poured concrete foundations, cracks and pipe penetrations are the most common entry points for seepage. These openings can be sealed from the interior. Epoxies, which are strong adhesives, or urethanes can be pressure injected into the openings, thus penetrating the foundation through to the exterior and cutting off the path of the seepage.

In masonry foundations, interior sealers will not provide permanent protection from water infiltration where hydrostatic pressure is present. However, interior sealers are good for preventing high atmospheric humidity inside the basement from absorbing into the porous masonry and causing spalling. Spalling is a condition where constant high humidity or moisture breaks down masonry surfaces, causing deterioration and shedding of the concrete surfaces.

Other coatings can be effective where condensation is the main source of wetness. It is also effective if the problem has minor dampness. Usually, interior waterproofing will not stop major leaks.

Interior water drainage


Although interior water drainage is not technically waterproofing, it is a widely accepted technique in mitigating basement water and is generally referred to as a basement waterproofing solution. Many interior drainage systems are patented and recognized by Building Officials and Code Administrators(BOCA) as being effective in controlling basement water.

A common system for draining water that has penetrated a basement involves creating a channel around the perimeter of the basement alongside the foundation footers. A French drain, PVC pipe, or other drainage system is installed in the newly made channel. The installed drain is covered with new cement.

The drainage system collects any water entering the basement and drains it to an internally placed sump pump system, which will then pump the water out of the basement. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends basement waterproofing with a water alarm and "battery-operated backup pump" as a preventive measure against the high cost of flooding.[2] Wall conduits (such as dimple boards or other membranes) are fastened to the foundation wall and extend over the new drainage to guide any moisture down into the system.

Exterior waterproofing


Waterproofing a structure from the exterior is the only method the U.S. International Building Code (IBC) recognizes as adequate to prevent structural damage caused by water intrusion.

Waterproofing an existing basement begins with excavating to the bottom sides of the footings. Once excavated, the walls are then power washed and allowed to dry. The dry walls are sealed with a waterproofing membrane,[3] and new drainage tiles (weeping tiles) are placed at the side of the footing.

A French drain, PVC pipe, or other drainage system is installed and water is led further from the basement.



Over the past ten years, polymer-based waterproofing products have been developed. Polymer-based products last for the lifetime of the building and are not affected by soil pH. Polymer-based waterproofing materials can be sprayed directly onto a wall, are very fast curing, and are semi-flexible, allowing for some movement of the substrate.

Causes of water seepage and leaks


Water seepage in basement and crawl spaces usually occurs over long periods of time and can be caused by numerous factors.

  • Concrete is one of the most commonly used materials in home construction. When pockets of air are not removed during construction, or the mixture is not allowed to cure properly, the concrete can crack, which allows water to force its way through the wall.
  • Foundations (footings) are horizontal pads that define the perimeter of foundation walls. When footings are too narrow or are not laid deep enough, they are susceptible to movement caused by soil erosion.
  • Gutters and downspouts are used to catch rain water as it falls and to discharge it away from houses and buildings. When gutters are clogged or downspouts are broken, rainwater is absorbed by the soil near the foundation, increasing hydrostatic pressure.
  • Weeping tile is a porous plastic drain pipe installed around the perimeter of the house. The main purpose of external weeping tile is preventing water from getting into a basement. However, these pipes can become clogged or damaged, which causes excess water to put pressure on internal walls and basement floors.
  • Water build up inside window wells, after heavy rain or snow, can lead to leaks through basement window seams. Window well covers can be used to prevent water from accumulating in the window well.
  • Ground saturation is another common form of basement leaks. When the footing drain fails the ground around the basement can contain too much water and when the saturation point is met flooding can occur.

Warning signs of water damage


Signs that water is seeping into a basement or crawlspace often take years to develop and may not be easily visible. Over time, multiple signs of damage may become evident and could lead to structural failure.

  • Cracked walls: Cracks may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal or stair-stepped. Severe pressure or structural damage is evident by widening cracks.
  • Buckling walls: Usually caused by hydrostatic pressure. Walls appear to be bowed inward.
  • Peeling paint: Water seeping through walls may lead to bubbling or peeling paint along basement walls.[4]
  • Efflorescence: White, powdery residue found on basement walls near the floor.
  • Mold: Fungi that usually grow in damp, dark areas and can cause respiratory problems after prolonged exposure.

Foundation crack injections


Foundation crack injections are used when poured concrete foundations crack, either from settlement or the expansion and contraction of the concrete. Epoxy crack injections are typically used for structural purposes while hydrophobic or hydrophilic polyurethane injections are used to seal cracks to prevent penetration of moisture or water. Concrete is both strong and inexpensive, making it an ideal product in construction. However, concrete is not waterproof.


  1. ^ Waheed, M. A. (11 July 2014). "Top tips to optimally use conventional waterproofing techniques". Business Standard India. Archived from the original on 5 July 2022. Retrieved 28 May 2021.
  2. ^ "FloodSmart | How to Prepare for a Flood and Minimize Losses". Archived from the original on 9 May 2020. Retrieved 20 March 2020.
  3. ^ Carter, Tim. "How to redirect water around a damp garage". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 15 August 2016. Retrieved 2 November 2015.
  4. ^ Chodorov, Jill. "Basement flooding may put a damper on your home sale". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 18 May 2018. Retrieved 2 November 2015.

Reviews for

Jeffery James


Very happy with my experience. They were prompt and followed through, and very helpful in fixing the crack in my foundation.

Sarah McNeily


USS was excellent. They are honest, straightforward, trustworthy, and conscientious. They thoughtfully removed the flowers and flower bulbs to dig where they needed in the yard, replanted said flowers and spread the extra dirt to fill in an area of the yard. We've had other services from different companies and our yard was really a mess after. They kept the job site meticulously clean. The crew was on time and friendly. I'd recommend them any day! Thanks to Jessie and crew.

Jim de Leon


It was a pleasure to work with Rick and his crew. From the beginning, Rick listened to my concerns and what I wished to accomplish. Out of the 6 contractors that quoted the project, Rick seemed the MOST willing to accommodate my wishes. His pricing was definitely more than fair as well. I had 10 push piers installed to stabilize and lift an addition of my house. The project commenced at the date that Rick had disclosed initially and it was completed within the same time period expected (based on Rick's original assessment). The crew was well informed, courteous, and hard working. They were not loud (even while equipment was being utilized) and were well spoken. My neighbors were very impressed on how polite they were when they entered / exited my property (saying hello or good morning each day when they crossed paths). You can tell they care about the customer concerns. They ensured that the property would be put back as clean as possible by placing MANY sheets of plywood down prior to excavating. They compacted the dirt back in the holes extremely well to avoid large stock piles of soils. All the while, the main office was calling me to discuss updates and expectations of completion. They provided waivers of lien, certificates of insurance, properly acquired permits, and JULIE locates. From a construction background, I can tell you that I did not see any flaws in the way they operated and this an extremely professional company. The pictures attached show the push piers added to the foundation (pictures 1, 2 & 3), the amount of excavation (picture 4), and the restoration after dirt was placed back in the pits and compacted (pictures 5, 6 & 7). Please notice that they also sealed two large cracks and steel plated these cracks from expanding further (which you can see under my sliding glass door). I, as well as my wife, are extremely happy that we chose United Structural Systems for our contractor. I would happily tell any of my friends and family to use this contractor should the opportunity arise!

Chris Abplanalp


USS did an amazing job on my underpinning on my house, they were also very courteous to the proximity of my property line next to my neighbor. They kept things in order with all the dirt/mud they had to excavate. They were done exactly in the timeframe they indicated, and the contract was very details oriented with drawings of what would be done. Only thing that would have been nice, is they left my concrete a little muddy with boot prints but again, all-in-all a great job

Dave Kari


What a fantastic experience! Owner Rick Thomas is a trustworthy professional. Nick and the crew are hard working, knowledgeable and experienced. I interviewed every company in the area, big and small. A homeowner never wants to hear that they have foundation issues. Out of every company, I trusted USS the most, and it paid off in the end. Highly recommend.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Epoxy injection repair involves injecting a two-part epoxy resin into cracks in your homes foundation. This process fills and seals the cracks, helping to restore the structural integrity and prevent further damage from moisture or shifting.
Look for visible cracks in the foundation, especially those that are wider than 1/8 inch or show signs of water leakage. Other signs include doors and windows that stick, uneven floors, or visible bowing in the foundation walls. A professional inspection can confirm if epoxy injection is the right repair method.
Epoxy injection repairs offer several benefits, including high strength and durability, excellent bonding to concrete, and resistance to moisture and chemicals. This method can effectively stabilize and reinforce your foundation, potentially preventing more costly repairs in the future.